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The Service Mesh

What Every Software Engineer Needs to Know about the World's Most Over-Hyped Technology

Whenever you hear people speak about containers and container networking, there is a high chance of the Service Mesh coming up as a topic. It is a real hype and while being on the twitters i discovered this great article by William Morgan of @BuoyantIO, the creator of Linkerd. William does a great job of explaining the technology, the use cases, what to use it for and what not and i have a couple of comments to add:

Kubernetes podcast on attacking k8s

The current Kubernetes Podcast gives a great view into how to attack kubernetes clusters. I have been talking about this all the time when i see OpenShift or kubernetes clusters that are trying to protect the container infrastructure with tools made for protecting pods, but hardly protect the container orchestration platform itself. Securing the container infrastructure is hard and not doing it may lead to things like cluster takeover or host escapes.